
Masonic Home of Virginia

The Masonic Home of Virginia is a vital, dynamic home environment for over two hundred and forty Masons, their wives and widows. Our residents live in a beautiful, healthy setting, surrounded by friends and cared for by professional staff in a supportive manner. The Home is designed to provide for all levels of resident independence, from independent living units in our Masonic Village to higher levels of medical assistance in our Care Center. For more information please click on the link below.
Masonic Home of Virginia

Red Cross Blood Program

The Grand Lodge Community Blood Program is designed to get every Lodge in the State to support the American Red Cross and to save lives. Our Lodges have been organizing and hosting blood drives throughout the State of Virginia for years donating thousands of units of blood.
Sign-up to give blood!

Child ID Program

The Grand Lodge of Virginia and Concord Lodge sponsor Child ID throughout the communities of the commonwealth. Locally, Concord Lodge has provided ID’s to hundreds of local children through local festivals and events. Every year, Concord brethren participate by holding a Child ID tent at the Celebration of Viva Vienna and Vienna’s autumn fall festivals. For more information please click on the link below.